Yofi Permana Rahman

Yofi Permana Rahman(1*)

(1) Universitas Andalas
(*) Corresponding Author


The Notary Protocol is a collection of documents that is a state archive that must be stored and maintained by a Notary. Regarding the Notary protocol and its submission are regulated in article 63 UUJN and UUJN. If the Notary dies, the Notary protocol shall be submitted by the heir to the MPD or other Notary Public. The purpose of this writing is to analyze the provisions of the Law on the Submission of Notary Protocols who have died, their practices and the responsibilities of the heirs to the Notary Protocol and legal actions taken by the MPD for the Notary Protocol that have not been submitted. This research uses an empirical juridical approach method. Article 63 UUJN and UUJNP have been explained regarding the surrender of the notary protocol that has died, but in practice there is a discrepancy with the applicable regulations, this is due to the lack of education and socialization from the Notary himself to the heirs or his family. If the Notary Protocol is not immediately submitted to the Notary Recipient of the protocol, then the MPD as a Notary supervisory agency is authorized to take the notary protocol that has not been submitted and give it to the Notary recipient of the Notary protocol. In carrying out his position as the notary recipient of the protocol, of course there must be a legal basis in the form of a Decree from the Minister of Law and Human Rights regarding the appointment of a Notary Public receiving the Notary Protocol, but in practice there are still notaries who have not yet received the Decree, this is due to the inadequacy of the decision of the MPD by the Minister of Justice and Human Rights.


Notary Protocol; Notary; Notary Heir; MPD.

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