Sundaru Guntur Wibowo(1*)
(1) Politeknik Negeri Madiun
(*) Corresponding Author
The purchase of consumer goods for the public through financial institutions can answer and be a solution for the community to have these goods, while for financing institutions this is an opportunity to develop their business, both for goods such as cars, motorbikes, furniture and also electronic goods. The community gets the convenience of payments that can be paid in installments according to their ability. The problems and dynamics that arise in this consumer financing agreement are interesting things to study so that people will understand and find solutions. The method used in this study is juridical empirical, using primary data and secondary data and then analyzed using qualitative analysis techniques. The results of the study can answer that the relationship between consumers and financing institutions or companies is the relationship of consumer financing agreements. Consumer financing agreements are always in written form where the agreement clause has been provided by a finance company, or commonly referred to as a standard agreement. With limited purchasing power.
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